We, Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. would like to inform you of the following details, regarding the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal data:


     1. Personal Data the Company Collects from you

           Personal data is information relating to an individual that makes it possible to directly or indirectly identify the data subject.

           The Company will collect, use, or disclose your personal data that we have received, either directly or indirectly as follows;

          o   Identity Data   refers to data that can identify you either directly or indirectly; such as name, surname, date/month/year of birth, gender, national identity card number, driver's license number, passport number, marital status etc.

          o   Contact Data   such as an address, email, and phone number.

          o   Sensitive Data  such as race, beliefs, religion, health information, biometric data, and etc. However, the Company will not process any types of sensitive data.

          o   Financial and Transaction Data   such as bank account number, credit card and debit card number, monthly income data, payment information etc.

          o   Technical and Usage Data  such as IP address, login information, website browsing data from Cookie ID, device type, settings, and other platforms and technologies used to access our website.

          o   Profile Data  such as username and password for online application, job application, interests, preferences, budget, reasons of purchase, and opinions from survey responses.

          o   Marketing and Communication Data  such as your preferences in receiving marketing information from the Company and third parties; including contact information such as a tape recorder in the event that you contacted the Company via Call Center or through other social media channels, and etc.

           Stating below are personal data you need to provide to the Company for us to collect, use, disclose, and process as required by law without requesting for your consent;

          o   Information that you provided in order to comply with the laws or contract, or data that is required in the interest of enter into a contract, or any other personal data as required by law. If you do not provide these personal data to the Company, the Company will not be able to process your request, or proceed as the company has initially notified, or to take any legal action

          o   Information that is necessary for the Companyෲs legitimate interests, such as the collection of your photos at events, recording your images via CCTV cameras, and etc.

           Furthermore, we collect, use, and disclose aggregated data, such as statistical data that cannot be used to identify a specific individual, such as data to calculate the rate of people who access our website, or to create statistical data. If the data is then able to be used to identify a specific individual, it will be considered as personal data and will be treated in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

           Personal data collection method

          o   Through various company channels such as document, electronic means, verbal, and etc.

          o   Through various other service providersෲ online media channels.

           Third-Party Links

                This Privacy Notice coverage will expire when you click a link to another website, as it is considered that you have ended your visit on our website. In the event that other websites collect, use, or disclose your personal data, we encourage you to read the privacy notice of all the websites you visit for the benefit of your privacy.


     2. Purposes of Personal Data Processing

           The Company will process your personal data in accordance with the legal basis as follows;

          o   Consent  

               The company will process your personal data for the purposes stated and with your explicit consent.

          o   Contract

               The Company will collect, use, and process your personal data when it is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party of, or response to your request prior to entering into a contract, such as providing a service, proceeding with our internal processes to achieve contract performance objectives, and etc.

          o   Legal Obligation

               The Company processes data on a reasonable basis in order to comply with the law such as preventing and detecting anomalies of transactions that may lead to illegal activities, reporting personal data to government agencies as required by law.

          o   Public Interest

               In some cases, it may be necessary for the Company to process personal data for the public benefit, or perform duties as assigned by a government agency.

          o   Legitimate Interest

               · The Company processes personal data for legitimate interests, such as for internal management which includes the disclosure of data within the same business group to raise the standard of work of the Company; such disclosure will be in accordance with the Company's Privacy Policy and this Privacy Notice.

               · To prevent, handle and reduce the risk of illegal activities, including security camera recording in the project area or other areas, to uphold the security of residents.

               · To maintain customer relations, such as complaints handling, offering privileges without a marketing objective, and etc.

           Purposes of Personal Data Collection, Use, or Disclosure

          o   To conduct any transaction as you have requested, the Company will collect your personal data such as your name, surname, email address, telephone number, opinions, or inquiries, that you provided when you register through the Company's website or via other channels such as filling out questionnaires, when you contact the Company, request for further information or perform other actions as you have requested.

          o   To improve and develop services

          o   To perform a contract with a contractor that the Company hires or uses

          o   To perform the contract that you are a party with the Company

          o   To comply with all relevant laws and regulations, and/or for any other benefits that you have given your consent to

                In the event that you are an external service provider (Supplier/Contractor/Outsource/Service Provider), we will collect, use, or disclose your personal data for the purpose of entering into a contract. In order to proceed with procurement and control the quality of the products or services, or to evaluate the performance of the service provider, the Company will collect, use, or disclose personal data on a lawful basis which may vary depending on the purposes for which the data was processed for.


                Your personal data may be used for marketing and advertising, we have mechanisms to protect your personal data as follows:

          o   For the Purpose of Sale Promotion

               We may use your personal data, your technical and usage data and profile data to analyze and offer you suitable products or services; which include sending newsletters, offering various benefits privileges and promotions. You can choose not to receive marketing information through various channels, please see the details in "Opting Out" section below

          o   Opting Out

               You can choose not to receive marketing news from us, via sending an email to dpo@pmc-th.com This cancellation will not affect our provision of products or services to you, or any other transaction you have with the Company.


                Our website stores cookies, for the purpose of the website service, and collect, use, and disclose aggregated data, such as statistical data that cannot be used to identify a specific individual, such as data to calculate the rate of people who access our website, or to create statistical data. If the data is then able to be used to identify a specific individual, it will be considered as personal data and will be treated in accordance with this Privacy Notice. You can choose to turn off certain types of cookies according to your preference.  Turning off the cookie function may affect your ability to make certain transactions, use functions, and access to some content on our website.


     3. Disclosure of Personal Data

           The Company has no policy to sell your personal data to third parties. Your personal data will be kept confidential and we will not disclose your personal data unless necessary, so that to achieve the objectives as notified to you as detailed above, or unless we received your consent; we may disclose your personal data to the following individuals or entities:

          o   External service providers (Supplier/Contractor/Outsource/Service Provider) such as agents, partners, contractors, financial institutions, cloud computing service providers, marketing activities contractors, information technology development companies; which may be both domestic and international. Other individuals or entities to which we disclose personal data to can only be collected and used for the purposes stated in the agreement.

          o   Government agencies or regulators, to comply with the law or in accordance with the orders of the authorities.


     4. Security Measures for Personal Data

           We have strict measures for the security of your personal data, with respect to (concerning with) your privacy which includes taking action according to the law as follows;

          o   Categorize your personal data as confidential.

          o   Establish organizational and technical measures to prevent wiretapping, forgeries, unauthorized access or usage or modification, such as information security, customer confidentiality policy, and etc.

          o   Our employees  and third-party service providers (Supplier/Contractor/Outsource/Service Provider) are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the customer's personal data.

          o   Establish procedures to handle any data breach incident, and will notify you if your personal data has been breached. The actions will be in accordance with the law.

           However, the transmission of data via the internet still has limitations in the maintenance of security, despite our strict information security measures. Therefore, the Company cannot guarantee the security of the personal data you disclose through online channels. Thus, we are not responsible for any damage or loss incurred either directly or indirectly from unauthorized access to the personal data that you provide on our websites, unless we are proven of negligence.


     5. Personal Data Retention

           The Company will retain your personal data as necessary in connection with the purpose of the collection. If you have ended your business relationship with us, we will retain your personal data in accordance with the Company's Privacy Policy, for a period of 10  years, or as required by law, in order to ensure the provision of products or services to you, and for legal purposes. However, at the end of the said period, the Company will destroy your personal data.


     6. Data Subject Rights

           You have rights under the Personal Data Protection law that you should be aware of. You can make a request by using the contact channel provided in the section "7. Contact Us." We will process your request as soon as possible, which may take up to 30 days or more, depending on the volume and complexity of the request.

          o   Right to Withdraw Consent

               You have the right to withdraw your consent granted to us for the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal data. The Company will stop the processing of your personal data as soon as possible and may delete your personal data unless the Company is required to take further action that is required by law.

          o   Right to Access

               You have the right to request and obtain a copy of your personal data, or request the Company to disclose the obtained personal data. The Company will process your request within 30 days from the date we received the request.

          o   Right to Rectification

               You have the right to request us to make corrective action to ensure that your personal data is accurate, current, complete, and not misleading.

          o   Right to Data Portability

               You have the right to receive your personal data and request the Company to send or transfer your personal data to another data controller, or to obtain information that we have transmitted or transferred directly to another data controller. Unless there is any other reason the company cannot proceed with the request.

          o   Right to Erasure

               You have the right to request the Company to delete, destroy, or turn your personal data into non-personally identifiable information in the following events:

                    · When such personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose of the data is being collected or processed for.

                    · You withdraw your consent to process personal data and the Company has no lawful basis to process it.

                    · You have objected to the processing activity.

                    · The personal data is unlawfully processed.

                    · Data subject objected to the processing activities (other than relevant objection of processing activities for direct marketing purposes) and we cannot further process based on legitimate interest.

          o   Right to Restriction of Processing

                 You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data when the following conditions are met;

                    · When there is no longer a need for processing activities, but the retention of personal data is necessary for legal claims.

                    · When there are unlawful processing activities of personal data. However, the data subject would like to prohibit the processing instead of erasing or deleting their personal data.

                    · When the personal data being verified for accuracy as you have requested.

                    · When the personal data is in the process of proving reasons of higher legitimate grounds.

          o   Right to Object

                You have the right to object the collection, use, or disclosure of personal data in the following events;

                    · In the event that personal data is collected, used, or disclosed for the purpose of direct marketing.

                    · In the event that the processing of personal data is for the purposes of scientific, historical, or statistical research; unless it is necessary for the performance of public interest.

                    · In the event that the personal data is collected for public interest or for a legitimate interest; unless the Company can prove higher legitimate ground.

          o   Right to Lodge of Complaint

               You have the right to lodge a complaint to relevant government agencies, in the event that the Company, the employee, or the contractor of the Company violates or fails to comply with the Thai Personal Data Protection Act.


     7. Contact Us

           You can request to exercise your rights as the data subject, and if you have any question or complaint, you can contact the Company via the following channels;

          o   Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

          o   Location: 65 Moo 16 Bangpa-In Industrial Estate Ayudhya 13160 Thailand      Phone: 035 258-336

          o   Email: dpo@pmc-th.com